pondělí 24. října 2011

More Pink

One of the next memories on the warmer weather in Prague. Easy pink dress and shooting with Alex.
Gabi today flew to London and I finally after some time find myself into a relaxed mood with time on the internet. After days spend traveling from Prague through NYC and Miami a got to the place where everyone feels relaxed. Long beaches and warm weather, a paradise indeed. 
Gabi is enjoying the vintage shops in London which you suggested where I went for the classic. Even though there are some vintage shops in New York and in Miami, I was under time pressure and therefore I visited shops as Guess, Coach, Victoria Secret, Abercrombie&Fitch, All Saints and many more which I just quickly went through to get some inspiration. And and overview of what is now in the shops in the US soon on the blog! But this winter will be in the shades of grey, so it is only on us to make it bright. And ball dresses will be full of glitters and flitters. 
More posts of new in soon! x

Jedna z dalsich vzpominek na teplejsi pocasi v Praze. Jednoduche ruzove saty a foceni s Alex. 
Gabi dneska odletela do Londyna a ja jsem si konecne po dlouhe dobe nasla chvilku casu na internetu. Po dnech stravenych cestovanim z Prahy do New Yorku a Miami jsem se konecne dostala na misto klidu. Dlouhe plaze, teplo, raj doslova. 
Gabi si uziva vintage obchody v Londyne, ktere jste ji poradily, kde ja sem sla na klasiku. I pres to, ze jsou nejspis nejake vintage obchody v New Yorku a v Miami, nemela jsem moc casu a proto jsem navstivila obchody jako Guess, Coach, Victoria Secret, Abercrombie&Fitch, All Saints a plno dalsich, abych ziskala nejake inspirace do satniku. A shrnuti toho co se ted prodava v Americe brzi na blogu! Ale tato zima bude v odstinech sedi, takze je na nas abychom to probarvili. A plesove saty se budou trpitit posite flitry. (PS: omlouvam se ale nemam dostupne carky a hacky)
Vic clanku s new in brzo! x

8 komentářů:

  1. ty ses tak krasne stvoreni....

  2. Fakt krasavica ;) A těším se na další posty z vašich cest :) To mě na blozích baví vždycky nejvíc..

  3. You look so glamourous! Love the dress

  4. Dekuju mockrat/thank you very much!
    A posty z cest budou a urcite jich bude hodne!

  5. i love your freckles!! this pink is such a nice color on you


  6. skvelé fotografie, máš krásne šaty :)

  7. simply lovely picss!
    aaaaaand..I like ur frecklees :P



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