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Southampton University |
The worst and most filled day was ahead of us. And there was no sweet beginning to it. A rush breakfast in Starbucks in one of two Southampton's shopping malls The Marlands and then coming 45 late to University tour because of a bus that rode from the center to the campus for an hour. The University was huugee! A lot of walking would have to be done in order to survive here. Colleges are a 10 minute walk from all of the lectures buildings. This University seemed to me as the least organised as with placement of buildings. Also the colleges weren't such a great place to live in, I've seen a lot better before. Southampton University had been one of my hopes for a future study, but after the visit I'd really have to think about applying here. The overall impression wasn't "Yay this is the place for me." but rather a "Okay I'd survive here."
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Southampton University goodies bag! shoes: CAMPER/t-shirt:BERSHKA/fur:HM/coat:NEXT |
Afterwards we had 2 hours to get to Portsmouth for another University tour. And the town had amazed us and so did the university! The town was awesome, I had seen only a bit but I'm going to write everything out: sky bar overlooking the town, veeery long street of shops including the world's most known brands(topshop,debenhams,hm,zara,...), beautiful and delicious cafe's. The University had the most astonishing library I've ever seen, Apple Mac's everywhere, wifi everywhere, completely modernized buildings inside even though they were traditional from outside, everything in a good walking distance and our guide was a hyper man! If you ever visit Portsmouth go right after stepping out of the train station and you'll find everything neccessary for your happiness:)
Poté jsme měli 2 hodiny na to se dostat do Portsmouthu na další prohlídku. A město nás naprosto dostalo a stejně tak univerzita. Město bylo výborný, viděla jsem jenom kousek a tak všechno vypíšu najednou: sky bar s výhledem na město a moře, hoodně dlouhá ulice s obchody (topshop,debenhams,hm,zara,...), krásný a výborný cafe. Univerzita měla nejlepší knihovnu kterou jsem kdy viděla, Apple Mac's všude, wifi, zmodernizované budovy i když z venku byly tradiční britské, všechno v dobré vzdálenosti a náš průvodce byl neskutečně hyper! Jestli někdy navštívíte Portsmouth jděte vpravo jakmile vylezete z vlakové zastávky a najdete všechno potřebné k vaší spokojenosti:)
ty fotky vypadaji, ze si to tam skvele uzivate :))
! naprosto:) a to nejlepší teprve přijde a toť LONDÝÝN