As Veru had described in the post before we had such a huge photo session at her house, trying out summer outfits, and combining unthinkable clothes. We had fun with drinks, bubbles and after such a long day we jumped into the lake in the garden, even though the storm was about to hit the place. I loved the weekend, however the days that followed weren't lovely anymore.
/top:abercrombie and fitch/
Jak Veru popsala v minulém postu, měly jsme obrovskou foto session během víkendu, co jsem u ní byla, zkoušely jsme letní outfity a kombinovaly nemyslitelné oblečení. Užily jsme si spoustu srandy s drinkama, bublinama a po tak dlouhém dni jsme skočily do jezera na zahradě, i když bouřka vypadala že přijde každou chvíli. Víkend byl perfektní, ale ty dny které následovaly už moc ne.
/top:guess, shorts:adidas, headband: hm/
/top:zara, skirt:hm/
During the exam week I had literally no time to taste the real life. I cannot simply imagine spending every afternoon at home, studying until midnight and then waking up and studying during every second of my free time, which didn't exist. Let's hope it was worth it, and the grades won't be such a disaster as I thought when I opened the exam. The end of exams wasn't properly partied out yet, but was celebrated with my lover boy at Les Moules:)
super outfity ^^ slusi ti to vsude :)